Our article has been published in Physical Review Applied and highlighted as Editors’ Suggestion.

Our article has been published in Physical Review Applied and highlighted as Editors’ Suggestion.
Protocol for the deterministic generation of entanglement between two ensembles of nuclear spins surrounding two distant quantum dots.
Computing the full-counting statistics of transport described by Markovian master equations with an arbitrary time dependence
Interplay of transport, shot noise, and topology in driven QD arrays.
Proposal for deterministic generation and long-term stabilization of entanglement between two electronic spin qubits confined in spatially separated quantum dots.
Novel transport blockade mechanism in quantum dot arrays and conducting molecules based on an interplay of Coulomb repulsion and the formation of edge states.
Degenerate parametric oscillation, one of the most elusive models in the field of open system dynamics, can be implemented in modern optomechanical setups.