
Programmable two-qubit gates in capacitively coupled flopping-mode spin qubits

Versatile set of quantum gates between qubits of a spin quantum computer node.

Recent achievements in the field of gate-defined semiconductor quantum dots reinforce the concept of a spin-based quantum computer consisting of nodes of locally connected qubits which communicate with each other via superconducting circuit resonator photons. In this paper, we theoretically demonstrate a versatile set of quantum gates between adjacent spin qubits defined in semiconductor quantum dots situated within the same node of such a spin-based quantum computer. The electric dipole acquired by the spin of an electron that moves across a double quantum dot potential in a magnetic field gradient has enabled strong coupling to resonator photons and low-power spin control. Here we show that this flopping-mode spin qubit also provides the tunability to program multiple two-qubit gates. Since the capacitive coupling between these qubits brings about additional dephasing, we calculate the estimated infidelity of different two-qubit gates in the most immediate possible experimental realizations.