We theoretically propose a new way to realize qubits: a hybrid qubit system consisting of the quantized vertical motion (Rydberg states) and the spin states of electrons on the surface of liquid helium.

We theoretically propose a new way to realize qubits: a hybrid qubit system consisting of the quantized vertical motion (Rydberg states) and the spin states of electrons on the surface of liquid helium.
From April 2023 I will be a professor at the University of Augsburg and I am inviting motivated scientists to join our group to work on Quantum information theory based on solid state spin qubits.
We have two PhD positions and two postdoc positions.
Our article has been published in Physical Review Applied and highlighted as Editors’ Suggestion.
Hole-spin qubits in quasi-one-dimensional structures are a promising platform for quantum information processing because of the strong spin-orbit interaction (SOI). We present analytical results and discuss device designs that optimize the SOI in Ge semiconductors.
We propose a minimal design modification of Ge planar quantum dot devices that enhances the spin-orbit interaction by orders of magnitude and enables low power ultrafast hole-spin qubit operations.
Protocol for the deterministic generation of entanglement between two ensembles of nuclear spins surrounding two distant quantum dots.
I was awarded the INSPIRE award for postdocs launched by the National Center of Competence in Research Quantum Science and Technology.
Versatile set of quantum gates between qubits of a spin quantum computer node.
Perspectives article in Applied Physics Letters special topic Hybrid Quantum Devices. We summarize recent progress and theoretical models that describe superconducting-semiconducting hybrid quantum systems, explain the limitations of these systems, and describe different directions where future experiments and theory are headed.
The flopping-mode configuration enables low-power spin control in quantum dot arrays.